At, we are committed to providing our registered users with a safer online environment. To ensure our members feel more comfortable, we have granted them various privacy rights. These rights are listed below:

  1. Your email address will never be shared with other organizations and will not be used for advertising, promotion, or marketing purposes.
  2. The membership and personal information you provide will not be disclosed to other members without your consent. However, this information may be used within our company to determine customer profiles.
  3. Only you can access and change all the information you enter into the system. It is impossible for another member to access or alter your information.
  4. During registration, you can choose to provide only the mandatory personal information. You can decide at your discretion whether to share additional information. You are not required to fill in or mark any fields you prefer not to disclose.
  5. The credit card information you provide during purchases on our site is never stored by our system.

These principles ensure that your personal rights are protected by us.

In line with our company’s Security Policy: